Showing posts with label Python. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Python. Show all posts

Exception handling in Python | Learn python

Exception handling in Python allows programmers to write code that can gracefully handle errors and exceptions that occur during program execution, rather than abruptly terminating the program.

In Python, an exception is an event that interrupts the normal flow of program execution. Exceptions can be caused by a wide range of issues such as runtime errors, syntax errors, and logical errors. To handle exceptions in Python, you use a try-except block. The try block contains the code that may raise an exception, while the except block contains the code that is executed when an exception is raised.

Here is an example of how to use a try-except block in Python:


In the aforementioned example, the try block tries to print "This is Guerilla Teck with no error" using incorrect print syntax. This is against the law and will result in an exception that reads "name "Print" is not defined." The action cannot be completed, and the unless block produces a message informing the user of this.

ValueError, TypeError, and IndexError are a few of the built-in Python exceptions that can be handled with a try-except block. By subclassing the built-in Exception class, you may also create your own unique custom exceptions.

It's important to note that you should only catch exceptions that you can handle properly. Catching all exceptions with a generic except block can hide errors and make debugging more difficult.


In addition to the try-except block, Python also provides a try-except-else block for more fine-grained exception handling. The try-except-else block consists of a try block followed by one or more except blocks and an optional else block.

The syntax for the try-except-else block is as follows:

In the try block, you include the code that may raise an exception. If an exception of type ExceptionType is raised, the code in the corresponding except block will be executed. If no exception is raised, the code in the else block will be executed.

Here's an example of how to use the try-except-else block in Python:


In this example, in the try block we’re printing “This is Guerilla Teck with no error” with correct syntax. If we print above mentioned statement with the wrong print statement except block will be executed. If no exception is raised, the code in the else block will be executed and the result will be printed.


The try-except-finally block is used in Python for exception handling and cleanup actions. It is a variation of the try-except block and is used when you need to ensure that certain actions, such as closing a file or network connection, are performed regardless of whether an exception occurs or not.

The syntax for a try-except-finally block is as follows:

In the try block, you include the code that may raise an exception. If an exception is raised, the code in the corresponding except block is executed to handle the exception. Regardless of whether an exception is raised or not, the code in the finally block is executed. This block is often used to perform cleanup actions such as closing files or releasing resources.

Here's an example of using a try-except-finally block in Python:


Now an example with an error:-


In the first example we can see that syntax in try block is correct so the program didn’t go into except block but in the second example when the syntax in try block was incorrect then the program went into except block, but you can notice one thing is common. The code in finally block was executed in both cases.

This tells us that no matter what will happen, code in finally block will be executed.

The except statement using with exception variable

In Python, when handling an exception using the try-except block, you can use the except statement with an exception variable to capture the exception object that was raised. This can be useful for debugging or providing more informative error messages to the user.

The syntax for using the except statement with an exception variable is as follows:

In this syntax, ExceptionType is the type of exception that you want to handle, and exception_variable is the name of the variable that you want to use to refer to the exception object that was raised.

Here’s an example on how you can have an error but instead of terminating the program we can have the exception print as a message and still be continued with our code:-


We can see that in the try block giving the command for print the value of a variable that doesn’t exist will give an error but adding the keyword ‘Exception’ after except will catch the actual error and will provide us that error like a message through the exception variable ‘e’.

We can also give several except command according to a specific exception. For example: -

Output if we enter alphabet ‘a’ & number 0: -

Output if we enter number 5 & 0: -

Now here in the first output we have entered the alphabet ‘a’ and a number 5 and it will give us the error of ‘ValueError’ and to handle that specific exception we put the error’s name in front of a except so what it will do is that if this code will raise the error of ‘ValueError’, first except will handle that exception and will print a message specific to this error.

On the other hand,  if we enter the number 5 & 0, so it will raise the error of ‘ZeroDivisionError’ and to handle that specific exception we put the name of the exception that is ‘ZeroDivisionError’ in front of another except and that except will handle this exception if this exception ever comes up.

So, with this method, we can print a specific output for a specific exception.

Declaring Multiple Exceptions

We can also declare multiple exceptions in one singular except. Its very simple.
For example:-


So even if we entered the values of 5 & 0 or if we entered the value of an alphabet ‘a’ & a number 0, both will give the same output. Why? Because no matter what values we enter, both of the exception will be caught by the except with the name of both the exception name. but if an exception of another kind rises up so the program will get terminated and code further than except, will not be executed.

so that's it for today guys, follow us to learn more about Python topics.....

happy learning.....

File Handling in Python | Learn Python

Any programming language must include file management in order for programs to communicate with files stored on a computer's storage system. Python, like other programming languages, provides built-in functions and modules for file handling. With these functions and modules, you can create, read, write, update, and delete files on your computer. As with other notions in the Python language, the idea of file management has been extended across numerous computer languages, but the implementation is either time-consuming or difficult. also easy & short.

File handling in Python has very limited modes like read, write & append modes and each mode has very limited functions like ‘.write()’, ‘.read()’, and so on. Let’s dive into it.

Let’s start with a basic understanding of the file-handling concept. It has been briefly told in the very first paragraph, where is its real-life usage. We can use it in making an application or software in which you have to keep track of every single step of the process like the machine at the entrance of every major company’s building in which an employee scans their thumb and its attendance is marked and the person who has the access to that machine can know when the employee entered the building and when it left.

Let me give you an example of how creating a basic file with your name in it looks like: -

This will create a .txt file in computer storage and this is the output:-

Now in this code ‘file’ variable is the reserved space in the memory to hold the mentioned file temporarily for conducting specified operations. 

Python's open() function is used to open a file. The name of the file to be opened and the mode in which it should be opened are the two arguments that the open() function accepts. “r” stands for reading, “w” for writing, or “a” for attaching, respectively, as the mode. Once a file has been opened,

it can be read, written to, or appended using various methods. There are several access modes available in Python:
  • "r" - Read Mode: This mode is used to open a file for reading. If the file does not exist, an error is raised and the file reference is put at the start of the file.
  • "r+" – Read and Write Mode: This mode is used to open a file for reading and writing.
  • "rb" - Read Binary Mode: This mode is used to open a file in binary mode for reading.
  • "rb+" – Read and Write Binary Mode: This mode is used to open a file in binary mode for reading and writing.
  • "w" - Write Mode: This mode is used to open a file for writing. If the file exists, its contents are truncated, and if the file does not exist, a new file is created.
  • "w+" – Write and Read Mode: This mode is used to open a file for writing and reading.
  • "wb" - Write Binary Mode: This mode is used to open a file in binary mode for writing.
  • "wb+" – Write and Read Binary Mode: This mode is used to open a file in binary mode for writing and reading.
  • "a" - Append Mode: This mode is used to open a file for writing. The file pointer is placed at the end of the file, the content of the file will remain intact and the new text will add at the end of the file but if the file does not exist, a new file is created.
  • "a+" – Append and Read Mode: This mode is used to open a file for appending and reading.
  • "ab" - Append Binary Mode: This mode is used to open a file in binary mode for appending.
  • "ab+" – Append and Write Binary Mode: This mode is used to open a file in binary mode for appending and reading.

There are many functions in each and every access modes mentioned above. Now let’s get to know what this function does.

Write mode

  • write()- This function is used to write a string to the file. It writes a string to the file and accepts a string as input. If the file is not opened in write mode, this function will raise an error.
  • writelines()- This function is used to write a list of strings to the file. It writes strings to the file using a list of strings as a parameter. If the file is not opened in write mode, this function will raise an error.


  • truncate() - This function is used to truncate the file to a specific size. It takes an optional size argument, which represents the new size of the file. If no size is provided, it truncates the file to the current position of the file pointer.



These functions also work in append mode.

Read Mode

  • read() - This function is used to read the entire content of the file as a string. If no argument is given, the full file is read.. If an argument is provided, it reads that many characters from the file.


  • readline() - This function is used to read a single line from the file. Each time this function is called, it reads the next line in the file. It produces an empty string if the file has reached its conclusion.


  • readlines()- This function is used to read all the lines of the file as a list of strings. Each string in the list represents a single line from the file.


File Pointer

In Python file handling, the file pointer is a marker that points to a specific position in a file, indicating the location in the file where the next read or write operation will take place. The file pointer starts at the beginning of the file when the file is opened, and it moves as data is read from or written to the file.

The position of the file pointer can be changed using the seek() function. This function takes two arguments: an offset value and a reference point. The reference point can be 0, 1, or 2, which represent the beginning of the file, the current position of the file pointer, and the end of the file, respectively. The number of bytes to shift the file pointer is specified by the offset value.

Here are some examples of using the seek() function to change the position of the file pointer:

In this example, we first opened the file in read mode and read the first line. Then we used the seek() function to move the file pointer to the beginning of the file and read the entire file from the beginning. Next, we used the seek() function again to move the file pointer to the end of the file and write some text to the end of the file. Finally, we closed the file.

It's important to note that the position of the file pointer affects the behavior of the read and write functions. For example, if the file pointer is at the end of the file and you call the read() function, it will return an empty string. If you call the write() function, it will append the data to the end of the file.

Functions of file pointer

  • tell()- This function gives the current file pointer position in the file, expressed as the number of bytes from the file's start.


  • seek() - This function is used to move the file pointer to a specific position in the file. It takes an offset value and a reference point as arguments. The reference point can be 0, 1, or 2, which represent the beginning of the file, the current position of the file pointer, and the end of the file, respectively.


  • readable() and writable()- These functions are used to check if the file can be read or written, respectively.


  • closed() - This attribute is used to check if the file is closed or not.



In conclusion, Python file handling provides a convenient and powerful way to work with files. With Python's built-in functions and modules, you can easily open, read, write, and manipulate files in a variety of formats.

In this article, we covered the basics of file handling in Python, including the different access modes available, the functions available in write and read mode, and the file pointer and its associated functions.

By using Python's file-handling capabilities, you can automate a wide range of tasks that involve reading and writing data to files. Whether you need to process log files, parse data from CSV files, or generate reports in PDF format, Python's file-handling capabilities make it easy to work with files in your code.

so that's it for today...follow us for learning more...

Four Major pillars of OOPs in Python | Learn Python |

The concept of objects, which can hold data and behave in specific ways, is the foundation of the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. The four main ideas or pillars that OOP emphasizes are as follows:

  • Inheritance: Inheritance is the process of creating new classes by inheriting the properties and methods of existing classes. This allows for the reuse of code and the creation of more specialized classes.
  • Polymorphism: This term describes the interchangeability of items of various types. Because objects can be considered as either generic types or specialized types depending on the situation, this gives programmers more freedom.
  • Encapsulation: Encapsulation refers to hiding an object's internal details and exposing only the necessary information or methods to the outside world. This helps to ensure that the object's internal state is not modified or accessed in unexpected ways
  • Abstraction: Abstraction refers to the process of creating simplified representations of complex systems. In OOP, this is often achieved using abstract classes and interfaces, which define typical behavior and properties that can be shared among multiple classes. This makes the code simpler and easier to maintain and alter by lowering its complexity.

Inheritance is one of the key features of object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows a new class to be based on an existing class, inheriting its properties and methods. The new class is referred to as a child class or subclass, and the existing class is referred to as the parent class or superclass.

In Python, inheritance is implemented using the syntax class Subclass(ParentClass):. The child class can inherit all the attributes and methods of the parent class and can also add new attributes and methods or override the ones inherited from the parent class.

Here is an example of inheritance in Python:


In this example, Animal is the parent class, and Dog and Cat are the child classes. Both Dog and Cat inherit the attribute's name and age from the parent class Animal through their respective __init__ methods. The child classes also override the make_sound method from the parent class with their own implementation.

Dog also has a new method called wag_tail and the added attribute breed. Cat now has a new purr technique and an additional attribute called color.

When a child class object is created, it can access both its own methods and attributes as well as all the methods and attributes of the parent class. For instance:


Code can be reused because of inheritance, which also makes it possible to build new classes off of preexisting ones with little duplication of code.

Five inheritance patterns exist:
  • Single Inheritance
  • Multilevel Inheritance
  • Hierarchical Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Hybrid Inheritance

Single Inheritance

In object-oriented programming, single inheritance refers to a type of inheritance where a class inherits from just one parent class. This indicates that there is just one chain of inheritance, with each class having a single parent class, and that all classes ultimately descended from the same base class, which in Python would be the object class.

In Python, single inheritance is implemented using the syntax class
ChildClass(ParentClass):, where ChildClass is the subclass or child class, and ParentClass is the superclass or parent class.Here is an example of single inheritance in Python:


In this example, Animal is the parent class, and Dog is the child class. Dog inherit from the Animal class, which means they have access to the name attribute and the make_sound method defined in the parent class.

Dog also have their own unique methods, wag_tail.

Here is an example of how to use these classes:


In this example, Dog have inherited the make_sound method from the parent class, and they have also defined their own methods, wag_tail, and purr. This is an example of code reuse through inheritance.

Multilevel Inheritance

Multilevel inheritance in Python is a type of inheritance where a subclass inherits properties and methods from its parent class, which in turn inherits from its own parent class. This creates a hierarchy of classes, with each level building upon the previous one.

To implement multilevel inheritance in Python, you can create a class hierarchy where each class inherits from the one above it. Here is an example:


In this example, we have a base class Animal, which has a speak method that prints "I am an animal". The Dog class inherits from Animal and overrides the speak method to print "I am a dog". Finally, the Labrador class inherits from Dog and overrides the speak method to print "I am a Labrador".

when we create an instance of  each class and  call it is  speak method, we get the following output,


as you can see, the Labrador class inherits the speak method from both its parent classes, Dog and Animal, and overrides it with its own implementation.

Hierarchical Inheritance

When there is only one parent class and many children, this sort of inheritance is known as a hierarchical inheritance in Python. This results in a hierarchy of classes with related traits since the child classes inherit the same parent class's attributes and methods.

You can define a base class in Python and numerous derived classes that derive from it to implement hierarchical inheritance. Here is an example:


In this illustration, the base class Shape has a draw function that outputs the phrase "Drawing a shape." The draw method is overridden by the Circle and Square classes, which also derive from Shape.

When we create an instance of  each class and call its draw method, we get the following output:

As you can see, each class overrides the draw method with its own implementation while inheriting the colour attribute from the Shape class. As a result, each class exhibits a different behavior. Hierarchical inheritance's fundamental concept is this.

Multiple Inheritance

In Python, a subclass may inherit attributes and methods from a number of parent classes. This is known as multiple inheritances. This makes the subclass more adaptable and versatile by enabling it to draw from a variety of sources for behaviour and functionality.

To implement multiple inheritances in Python, you can create a subclass that inherits from two or more parent classes. Here is an example:


In this example, we have two parent classes Person and Employee, which have their own properties and methods. The Manager class inherits from both Person and Employee and overrides the __init__ method to initialize both sets of properties.

When we  create an instance of the  Manager class and call its methods, we get  the  following output:

As you can see, the Manager class inherits properties and methods from both Person and Employee and is able to use them to perform its own tasks. This is the essence of multiple inheritance. 

However, it's important to use multiple inheritance judiciously, as it can make the code more complex and difficult to maintain.

Hybrid Inheritance 

In Python, hybrid inheritance combines multiple inheritance with hierarchical inheritance. A subclass that uses hybrid inheritance derives from a number of parent classes, some of which in turn descended from a single base class. As a result, there are numerous degrees of inheritance and a complicated inheritance structure.

Python allows you to build class hierarchies with several levels of inheritance to achieve hybrid inheritance. Here's an illustration:

In this example, we have a base class Animal and two derived classes Mammal and Bat, which themselves inherit from Animal. We also have two derived classes Dog and FlyingDog, which inherit from Mammal and Bat respectively.

When we create an instance of each class and call its methods, we get the following output:

As you can see, the FlyingDog class inherits properties and methods from both Dog and Bat, which themselves inherit from Mammal, which in turn inherits from Animal. This creates a complex hierarchy of classes but also allows the FlyingDog class to have a wide range of behaviors and functionality. This is the essence of hybrid inheritance.


The ability to handle objects of various classes as if they belong to the same class is a critical component of object-oriented programming (OOP). Polymorphism is implemented in Python by means of methods and inheritance. An object's capacity to assume various forms is known as polymorphism. Method overloading and overriding are two ways that Python achieves polymorphism.

Method overloading is a typical Python technique for implementing polymorphism. In order to accomplish this, numerous methods with the same name but distinct parameters must be defined in a single class. Python chooses which method to employ based on the arguments supplied to it when an object of that class calls the method.

Another way to implement polymorphism in Python is through method overriding. This involves defining a method in a subclass that has the same name and parameters as a method in its parent class. When an object of the subclass calls the method, Python will use the method defined in the subclass instead of the one in the parent class. Method overriding occurs when a subclass has a method with the same name and parameters as its superclass. When the method is called on an object of the subclass, the subclass method is executed instead of the superclass method. This allows the subclass to provide its own implementation of the method while still retaining the same interface as the superclass.

Here's an  example:

In this example, the Dog class overrides the make_sound method of its superclass, Animal. When the make_sound method is called on an instance of Dog, it executes the Dog class's implementation of the method.

A class that contains many methods with the same name but distinct parameters is said to be method-overloaded. Depending on the kinds of parameters supplied to a method, a class might offer various implementations of the same function thanks to this feature. However, Python does not support method overloading in the conventional sense since it forbids the definition of numerous methods in the same class with the same name but different parameters. Instead, we can implement method overloading using variable or default arguments.

Here is an example using  default arguments:

In this example, the add method of the Math class takes two required arguments, x, and y, and an optional argument, z. If z is provided, it adds all three arguments together; otherwise, it adds only x and y. By providing an optional parameter with a default value, we can achieve a form of method overloading in Python.


In object-oriented programming, the term "encapsulation" refers to the grouping of data and methods that manipulate that data into a single entity, such as a Python class. Encapsulation enables us to merely present a public interface for interacting with an object and shield its implementation details from the outside world.

Access modifiers, which are keywords that control the visibility and use of class attributes and functions, are used in Python to accomplish encapsulation. Public, protected, and private are the three types of access modifiers available in Python.

Public attributes and methods are those that can be accessed from outside the class. In Python, all attributes and methods are public by default, unless their name begins with a double underscore (__), which makes them private.

Python's concept of "protected members" is a bit misleading because, if needed, they can still be accessed and changed from outside the class. The use of a single underscore, however, typically informs other programmers that a method or attribute should be viewed as protected and not directly accessible from outside the class or its subclasses and should instead be used with caution.

Here's an example of a class with protected member in python:

In this example, the Shape class has two protected attributes (_x and _y) and one protected method (_calculate_area). The Rectangle class is a subclass of Shape and has two additional protected attributes (_width and _height).

Note that the Rectangle class provides a public method called calculate_area that calls the protected method _calculate_area. This allows us to access the protected method from outside the class without directly accessing its name. This is a common pattern for accessing protected members in Python, as it allows us to maintain some degree of encapsulation and avoid exposing implementation details to the outside world.

You can only access private properties and methods from within the class itself. In order to ensure data hiding and encapsulation, private attributes and methods are frequently utilized since they forbid external code from directly altering an object's internal state.

Here's an example of  encapsulation in Python:

In this example, the Car class has three private attributes (__make, __model, and __year) and four public methods (get_make, get_model, get_year, and set_year). The private attributes are accessed and modified only through the public methods, which allows us to control the way the object's state is accessed and manipulated from outside the class. This provides a form of encapsulation that helps to maintain the integrity of the object's internal state and prevent unwanted changes from external code.


Abstraction is a concept in object-oriented programming that refers to the ability to focus on essential features of an object while ignoring non-essential details. Abstraction allows us to model complex systems in a simpler way by identifying key attributes and behaviors that define an object's functionality and hiding the underlying implementation details from the user.

In Python, abstraction is often achieved through the use of abstract classes and interfaces. It is possible to utilize abstract classes as templates for other classes even though they cannot be instantiated directly. 
Abstract classes define abstract methods, which are methods that have no implementation and must be implemented by concrete subclasses. Abstract classes can also define concrete methods that are inherited by their subclasses.

Interfaces are similar to abstract classes but only define abstract methods and do not have any implementation. Interfaces are used to define a set of behaviors that must be implemented by any class that implements the interface.

Here is an illustration of a Python abstract class and interface:

In this example, we define two abstract classes (Animal and Pet) and two concrete subclasses (Dog and Cat). The Animal class defines one abstract method called speak, which must be implemented by any concrete subclass of Animal. The Pet class also defines one abstract method called play, which must be implemented by any concrete subclass of Pet.

The Dog and Cat classes both implement the speak and play methods, which allows them to be used interchangeably with other objects that implement the Animal and Pet interfaces. By using abstraction, we can define a common set of behaviors that all pets should have and allow for different implementations of those behaviors in different types of pets. This provides a flexible and extensible design that can be easily modified and extended as needed.

Python provides yet another method for achieving abstraction. That is accomplished by combining several saved files into one. The user will be able to import files and access some functions through it, but we won't be able to understand how it works. I'll explain.

There is a file '' in which I'm printing the line "file one":-

and second file named ' in which I'm printing the line "Second.file":-

And in the third  file named 'third', I'm importing these two files knowing that they will  give the output of:-

In the file named ’’, I just imported file ‘’ and ‘’ with the knowledge of that that they will give the output of ‘File One Second File’, but I didn’t know how it will print it. Maybe they will create a method within a class and calling that method in which they have written the statement of ‘File One’. Like this: -

Through the example given above, we can come to the conclusion of that that we would know what a package, a module, or a function does but we won’t know how it does.

That's it for today, guys. If you want to learn more about Python, follow us.

happy learning......