Learn CSS for web development?


Introduction to CSS | CSS Tutorial for Beginners

what is CSS?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and it is a style language used to describe the presentation of an HTML document. It controls the layout, colors, fonts, and other visual aspects of a web page, and it allows developers to create visually appealing websites with ease.

For beginners, CSS can seem overwhelming and confusing. However, it's important to remember that CSS is just another language, and like any language, it can be learned with practice and patience. Here are some basic concepts that beginners should be familiar with:

  • Selectors: CSS selectors are used to targeting specific HTML elements and apply styles to them. Selectors can be based on element names, classes, IDs, attributes, and more.
  •  Properties: CSS properties are used to define the visual style of an HTML element. Properties can control everything from font size and color to layout and positioning.
  • Values: CSS values are used to set the specific value for a CSS property. Values can be in the form of keywords, numbers, or color codes.
  • Box Model: The CSS Box Model is used to describe the layout and sizing of HTML elements. It consists of four parts: margin, border, padding, and content.
  • Cascading and Specificity: CSS styles can be applied in a cascading manner, where multiple styles can be applied to a single HTML element, and they will be resolved based on their specificity.
  • External, Internal, and Inline Styles: CSS styles can be applied in three different ways: externally through a separate CSS file, internally through the <style> tag, and inline within the HTML element using the style attribute.

Overall, CSS is an important tool for beginners to learn as it allows them to create visually appealing websites with ease. By understanding the basics of CSS and practicing regularly, beginners can become proficient in creating beautiful and functional web pages without the need for artificial intelligence.

Here is an example of a CSS rule:


In this rule, the selector is "p", which selects all the HTML <p> elements on the page, and the declarations set the text color to blue and font size to 18 pixels.

CSS is used to create responsive and mobile-friendly designs by using media queries, which allow developers to apply different styles based on the screen size or device type. This ensures that the website is optimized for different devices and provides a consistent user experience across all platforms.

In addition to basic styling, CSS also allows for more advanced features like animations, transitions, and transformations. These can be used to create dynamic and interactive web pages that engage users and enhance the overall user experience.

Overall, CSS is an essential tool for web development and allows developers to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.

CSS History

  • 1994: First Proposed by Hakon Wium Lie on 10th October
  • 1996: CSS was published on 17th November with influencer Bert Bos
  • Later he became co-author of the CSS
  • 1996: CSS became official CSS was published in December
  • 1997: Created CSS level 2 on 4th November
  • 1998: Published on 12th May

CSS Comment

  • Comments in CSS are used to provide notes and explanations about the code. Comments are ignored by the web browser and are only visible in the CSS file. Comments can be useful for other developers who read or modify the CSS code in the future.
  • In CSS, comments are created by enclosing the text in /* and */. Here is an example of how to write a comment in CSS:


Comments can also span multiple lines. Here is an example of a multi-line comment:


Comments can be used to temporarily disable a section of code without deleting it. This can be helpful when debugging or testing different styles. Here is an example of how to disable a section of code using a comment:


In this example, the entire <p> element has been commented out, which means that the text color will not be blue.

Overall, comments in CSS are a useful tool for adding notes, explanations, and temporary disabling of code. They can help developers write cleaner, more organized code that is easier to maintain and modify in the future.

Types of CSS:

There are three types of CSS: Inline CSS, Internal CSS, and External CSS. Each type of CSS has its own benefits and drawbacks, and understanding their differences can help beginners choose the most appropriate type for their website.

  • Inline CSS: Inline CSS is the most basic type of CSS and involves placing CSS styles directly within the HTML elements using the style attribute. Here is an example of how to use Inline CSS

  • Inline CSS is easy to implement but can be difficult to maintain and update. It also requires more code to achieve the same effect as Internal or External CSS.
  • Internal CSS: Internal CSS involves placing CSS styles within the <head> section of an HTML document using the <style> tag. Here is an example of how to use Internal CSS.

Internal CSS is easier to maintain than Inline CSS since all the styles are in one place. It also requires less code than Inline CSS since the styles can be applied to multiple elements at once

  • External CSS: External CSS involves creating a separate CSS file and linking it to the HTML document using the <link> tag. Here is an example of how to use External CSS:

In this example, the CSS styles are stored in a separate file called styles.css, which can be linked to multiple HTML documents. This makes it easy to update and maintain the styles across an entire website. External CSS is also the most SEO-friendly type of CSS since it allows search engines to easily read the content of the website without having to sift through large amounts of code.

Overall, understanding the differences between Inline, Internal, and External CSS can help beginners choose the most appropriate type of CSS for their website. By using External CSS, beginners can create SEO-friendly websites that are easy to maintain and update.

What is a selector?

In CSS, selectors are used to targeting specific HTML elements on a web page and apply styles to them. Understanding selectors is essential for beginners to create effective CSS styles. Here are some common selectors in CSS with examples:

  • Element Selector: The element selector targets all instances of a specific HTML element on a web page. Here is an example of how to use an element selector to style all <p> elements on a web page:

  • Class Selector: HTML elements having a particular class property are the focus of the class selector. To style all components with the class blue text, see the following example of how to utilize a class selector:

  • ID Selector: An HTML element with a specific ID attribute is the target of the ID selector. Here is an illustration of how to style a single element with the ID header using an ID selector:
  • Attribute Selector: The attribute selector targets HTML elements with a specific attribute value. Here is an example of how to use an attribute selector to style all elements with the type="submit" attribute:
  • Pseudo-class Selector: The pseudo-class selector targets elements based on a specific state or action. Here is an example of how to use a pseudo-class selector to style all links when they are hovered over:

When choosing a selector, it's important to consider the specificity and efficiency of the selector. Using more specific selectors will reduce the chance of unintended styling conflicts and improve the overall efficiency of the code.

Overall, understanding selectors is essential for beginners to create effective CSS styles. By using SEO-friendly selectors, beginners can create web pages that are easy to read and understand for both humans and search engines.

so, that's it for today, follow us to learn more about CSS.

thank's for learning.


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